

Blue Squad Handicapped-Harvard Given Three Days' Respite-No Shifts in Line-Up

Considerably hampered by lack of practice during the last week, the Yale hockey squad will come to Boston for the game with the Harvard sextet tomorrow night with the determination to avenge the 3 to 2 defeat inflicted in a thrilling overtime battle at the Arena two weeks ago.

Since the Harvard game, the Yale sextet has engaged in three contests, winning two, and tying the other. The Dartmouth skaters were tied in a two period game played on soft ice in New Haven on February 2, but on ice nearly as bad at Hanover, last Saturday the Green sextet was defeated 3 to 1. On Wednesday night, a much improved Boston University team was turned back at the Arena by a 2 to 1 margin, the brilliant work of Captain Jenkins featuring the work of the Blue skaters.

In the game with Boston University, the Yale players showed the effects of the absence of ice in New Haven. The coordination in the forward line which enabled them to score two goals against the Crimson two weeks ago was noticeably lacking. The Yale defense appeared as strong as ever, but both Potts and Cole frequently lost the puck to the B. U. defense when, they went down the ice before they had a chance to shoot. The forwards also had considerable difficulty in keeping the disc on the end of their sticks, and the passing was woefully inaccurate.

Admittedly the best game which the Harvard skaters have played thus far this season was the contest with Toronto. There was a decided let-down in the Yale game, two weeks ago, and against Princeton, Holder alone displayed the aggressiveness which had characterized the work of the whole team against the Canadians. If the Harvard team rises to the heights tomorrow it will undoubtedly dispose of Yale for a second time and rank with the best sextets ever to represent the University.

The fight for the defense position between Pratt and Howard continues to be keen with the former having a slight edge because of superiority in defensive play. Howard is better on the offense, but has not had enough experience yet to be as impregnable on the defense as either Chase or Pratt Hammond and Ellison are other defense players who may possibly see service Saturday night.


After the hour of practice Wednesday afternoon, Coach Bigelow announced there would be no more skating for the squad until Saturday night.

In the event that Yale wins tomorrow night, the final game of the series will be played on February 25 at the Arena.
