

Question Worded by Yale Condemns College Standards of Professional and Business Utility

Trials for the debating teams to oppose Yale and Princeton in the triangular debate on March 20 and to face Dartmouth in the legal discussion on March 14 will be held tonight at 7 o'clock in Harvard 6. The trials are open to all undergraduates in the University.

The question to be discussed at the coming debate is "Resolved: That this, house views with alarm the present tendency of eastern colleges to stress a standard of business and professional utility in college education." This subject was chosen by the University debaters and worded by Yale.

Tonight the trials will consist of brief five-minute talks by the candidates on either side of the question. Those who are retained will speak before audiences in and around Boston. In this way the coaches think that the men will be able to attain a more polished and keener style of debating than if they talked only to an empty room. This policy was used last year.

The coaching staff this year is the best that the team has had in years. N. E. Hanes 2G, and R. S. Fanning 2L. will be in charge of gathering material and Fanning will conduct the practice debates and arrange the arguments.


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