The first election of officers for the Senior class will be held today. All Seniors who are eligible to vote have been notified of the fact and are urged to include their votes. Polls will be open in Sever Hall and in Harvard Hall basement between 9 and 5 o'clock.
In voting, members of the class are to check the name of one man for each office, except in the case of the Marshals, where three are to be voted for in accordance with the following rule of the constitution of the Senior class:
Regulations Rehearsed for Voters.
"Every elector shall vote for three candidates for Marshals, indicating his preference for First Marshal. Of three elected, the candidate receiving the highest number of votes for First Marshal shall be declared First Marshal; of the other two, the one whose total vote is higher shall be Second Marshal, and the other one Third Marshal."
It is essential that voters follow accurately the Instructions printed on the ballot. In case of an error in the filling out of a ballot, that ballot will be void only as regards the officer for whom the marking is incorrect. The votes for the other officers on that ballot, if they be correct, will still be valid.
For the convenience of voters not familiar with the names of all the nominees, photographs of these men will be posted at the polls.
Poll-Watchers Named
Sever Hall: 9--10, R. W. Ladd, E. W. Mudge; 10--11, H. B. Jackson, Robert Soutter, Jr.; 11--12, Lloyd VanderHorst, Richard Rush; 12--1, R. A. Pinkerton, S. H. Sturgis; 1--2, G. P. Sturgis, J. L. Prescott; 2--3, R. K. Straus; 3--4, J. D. Hitch; 4--5, B. C. Boeckler.
Harvard Hall basement: 9--10, R. K. Straus, J. F. Barnes; 10--11, P. M. Herzog, Russell T. Smith; 11--12, A. C. Coolidge, J. F. W. Whitbeck; 12--1, H. W. Foote; 1--2, R. S. Coolidge, F. J. Otis; 2--3, Kendall Foss, J. E. Johnson: 3--4, C. G. Thompson; 4--5, J. C. Furnas, Edward Baur.
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