The contest for the office of Treasurer of the Senior Class has narrowed down to two men with the announcement last night by R. P. McFadden '26, Chairman of the nominating committee, that L. H. Sherrill '26, nominated by the committee, and D. LeB Sweeney '26, nominated by petition, have resigned.
The withdrawal of Sherrill and Sweeney leaves R. H. Field '26, and J. N. Watters '26, as the remaining candidates for the position of Treasurer.
The polls will open in Harvard and Sever halls at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning and will close at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. H. W. Foote '27, and G. P. Sturgis '27, members of the Junior Counting Committee, will be in charge of the two voting places. Tomorrow the Junior committee will meet at 7 o'clock in the Committee Room of the Union to count the ballots. The revised list of nominees follows:
For Marshal
Marion Adolphus Cheek of Berkeley, Cal., Thayer Cumings of Bedford Hills, N. Y., Nathanial Saltonstall Howe of New York City, John James Maher of Bridgeport, Conn. William Ichabod Nichols of Wilton, Conn., Stanley de Jongh Osborne of Guatemala City, Guatemala, Willard Learoyd Tibbetts of South Boston.
For Treasurer
Richard Hinckley Field of Phillips, Me., John Nickerson Watters of Winchester.
For Poet
Ralph Sargent Bailey of Wollaston, Charles Allen Smart of Forest Hills, N. Y.
For Odist
Almon Goodwin Cooke of New York City, Howard Nott Doughty of Ipswich.
For Orator
Edward Campbell Aswell of Nashville, Tenn, Chester Tevis Lane of Surrey, England, Edward John Metzdorf of Chicago, Ill.
For Ivy Orator
Elmer Jared Bliss Jr., of Boston, Walter Dumaux Edmonds of New York City.
For Chorister
Harold Robertson Jones of Kansas City, Mo., Kenneth Morse Rogers of Dorchester.
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