


Two events have been planned by the Union management for today. In the afternoon from 4.30 to 6 o'clock, Mrs. D. M. Little will be the hostess for the second University tea, and at 7.30 o'clock Randall L. Jones, national park expert will deliver an illustrated talk on the Zion reserve.

The University teas, planned to give members of the University an opportunity to meet personally members of the faculty and their wives, have proved uniformly successful in recent years, and the first one last week was well attended.

This afternoon the professors and their wives of the following departments have been especially asked to be present: Division of Semitic Languages and History, the Department of the Classics, the Department of Indic Philology, the Division of Philosophy, the Department of Social Ethics, and the Theological School.

MacCubbin to Head Ushers

A long list of ushers has been named to assist Mrs. Little in receiving. H. H. MacCubbin '27 has been named head usher, and will have H. H. Bachus '27, J. P. Crosby '28, D. C. Gates '26, Madison Sayles '27, L. K. Macnair '26, J. L. Carroll '26, C. H. Mowen '26, J. J. Maher '26, J. N. Land '26, H. C. Newman '26, L. A. Weissman '26, J. L. Beauchamp '28, J. N. Baldwin '28, R. P. Outerbridge '28, C. G. Raymond '28, J. O. Rosecrans '28, Richard Stebbins '28, A. H. Chase '27, and O. E. Shattuck '27 under him.


Randall L. Jones, who will talk tonight on the recent development of Zion Park, and other natural parks and monuments of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona, was expected originally to appear last night. A large banquet tendered him in Chicago has caused his eastward trip to be delayed.

Zion Park Opened by Harding

Zion Park is the newest of all the country's national scenic areas. Although set aside some years ago by the Federal government, this area was not accessible until three years ago. At this time, the Union Pacific built a spur from Lund, Utah, to Cedar City, and the new spur was opened by President Harding on his ill-fated western trip, from which he never returned.

It is a largely due to the work done by Mr. Jones that these new western preserves have been made accessible to the public. His work as liaison office between state, country, and federal officials has given him an unexcelled opportunity to study the development of our parks.

Mr. Jones is an architect by profession, a Mormon by religion, and is noted for his research in geology. His lecture tonight will be illustrated by colored lantern slides.
