
Graduate Appreciation

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Allow me to express the appreciation of a graduate in regard to your editorial on the subject of football, which was reprinted in yesterday's Herald.

The game on the 21st of November was certainly a very pleasant experience and was enjoyed by all Harvard men present. There can, however, be little doubt that the playing of the game, although it is a fine game, by a small group of men has too large a part in the college life and in the public eye. These big final games partake to a great extent of the spectacles of ancient Rome, and it is no part of the business of a college to furnish impressive and large spectacles for sport fans.

Perhaps I had better curtail the reasons for my approval, as the real purpose of this letter is to let you know that your remarks are read and approved by graduates outside the college. Yours very truly,   Sewall C. Brackett '91.
