
The Bum-Bailiffs of Cambridge


To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

The menace at Plympton and Mount Auburn streets certainly deserves immediate attention. We part time citizens of this lively neighborhood of tooting horns and screeching brakes have often wondered that so intelligent a community should be so unheedful of its health, for this corner is not unique in the Cambridge Boston traffic tangled. Time and again the tailor across from the Lampoon has been obliged to remove pieces of automobile from his window and shop. Indeed he is now building new steps to withstand the assaults of duelling autoists. The old ones supported many a truck in its expiring moments. No Sunday passes without leaving its tell of broken glass and bits of nuts and bolts strewn all the way from Arthur's door to Russell Hall.

Now this sort of thing is unnecessary, if not a bit absurd, when there are any number of ways to eliminate it. The simple expedient of a sign erected for vehicles coming up Plympton street would serve admirably. What could be simpler: all north bound traffic mush come to a full stop before crossing Mount Auburn Street. This method is used successfully in many large cities, and requires only some boards, paint, and a not too lethargic police department to put it into operation. David N. Scoll '28
