
In the Graduate Schools

Aims to Join Together Students From All Departments

That definite plans for the organization of graduate students are now being formed, was revealed last night by R. L. Olson, secretary of the Graduate Schools Society of the Phillips Brooks House.

In a statement to the CRIMSON, Mr. Olson said that 1750 questionnaires have already been sent out to students in the Graduate Schools and that answers to many of them have been received. The questionnaires aimed to find out the interests and plans for the future of the men specializing in Economics, Education English, Engineering, History Law, and Philosophy. The answers so far received show considerable desire on the part of the students to organize for discussion of subjects related to their fields of study.

A certain member of students signified a desire to meet again in 1950 to discuss the work accomplished by members of the Graduate Schools in the second quarter of the twentieth century and to make plans with those then studying for the third quarter century.

A meeting was held last Tuesday at which a few minor questions were brought up and discussed. Among other things it was suggested that graduate students in Stillman Infirmary would be glad of some contact with the organization.

Another meeting has been announced to take place Tuesday evening. December 29 at 14 Garden Street. All graduate students are invited to be present.
