The Dramatic Club, assisted by members of the Idler Club of Radcliffe College will present a miracle play of thirteenth century Germanic origin, at 7.30 and 9 o'clock tonight and tomorrow night in the Germanic Museum. There will be two performances each night, of the third annual miracle play. Several changes and additions to the cast were announced yesterday by D. F. Robinson, who translated the play from Latin, and who is coaching the production.
The original manuscript was found in the Monastery Benediktbeuren in southern Germany, and has been pronounced as the best of the early German miracle plays, and one of the few which embody, a true Christmas theme. The play was probably written by wandering medieval scholars about the year 1200.
Robinson translated the play from the Latin reprint of this manuscript found in the collection, Deutsche Nationalliteratur. The prologue has been adapted to the production by Professor Kuno Francke, Honorary Curator of the Germanic Museum.
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