

The New York Times: "What should be a strictly collegiate function has become a gigantic public spectacle, raising the young gentlemen engaged in it to the notoriety of gladiators and matadors. . . . The remedies proposed editorially by the Harvard and Yale dail'es strike at the root of the evil."

The New York World: "There are two things which are impressive in these proposals (the Middletown program). First, they are shrewd: they have accurately sized up the situation which they hope to alter. Second, they are genuine: here are undergraduates thinking out their own problems under nobody's guiding hand."

The New York Herald-Tribune: "There could be nothing more significant than the stand taken by the representatives of the undergraduates of half a dozen colleges in conference at Middletown, Conn. In so far as this group works to purge the sport of its hippodroming, ballyhooing features, we are in full sympathy, though we cannot accept all their suggestions for attaining their objective."

The Philadelphia Public Ledger: "The clashing exchanges of opinion in the Yale, Harvard, and Princeton student dailies and the frequent protests from faculty members, reveal the growing revolt against the evil influences of a great sport. . . . . It is the friends of football who are concerned about it now. They hope to see it stripped of its unhealthy intensity, its taint of commercialism and again to find in it more of sportsmanship and a little less of war."

The Boston Herald: "If the evil has not been exaggerated. What is the remedy? And what do the students say for themselves? At the Wesleyan University conference they were agreed that football needs to be curtailed in the interest of education. . . . And if college athletics really need revision, what more promising sign could there be than the undertaking of the task by the students themselves?"


The Buffalo (N. Y.) Courier: "It is news which many have been expecting that now comes from Harvard and Yale . . . The remedies proposed by the Harvard and Yale dailes . . . would bring a large part of the student body into athletics, and at the same time give sufficient opportunity for intervarsity athletics as a test of the spirit to do and endure for alma mater."

The Louisville (Ky.) Courier Journal: "The object of a sport should be to develop physically the greatest possible number of men. Certainly, the modern football game, with its specialization and segregation of the players, does not fill the bill."

The Minneapolis (Minn.) Tribune: "It is generally agreed that if or when college football becomes sharply tinctured with professionalism, its doom as in inter-campus sport will have been heralded. . . . The accepted dictum, therefore, is that college football should not be professionalized, directly or indirectly, and that it should not be commercialized."

The New Haven Journal-Courier: "The idea advanced by the Harvard CRIMSON in its editorial columns, that intercollegiate football be taken out of the sphere into which it has been carried by the commercial spirit and be restored to its simpler condition of forty years ago, is approved, as we take it, by the Yale Daily News. . . . Harvard and Yale are headed in the right direction."

The Providence (R. I.) Bulletin: "It is possible that, if proper curbs can be applied, football will regain a secure position where the spirit of the game for the game's sake will take the place of the present clamor for great stadiums and greater gate receipts, high-priced players and spectacular programs on the playing field. Football is a great sport and its best friends are those who regard it objectively, probing to find its faults and know them as well as they know its virtues."

The Providence (R. I.) Tribune: "The undergraduate body, more to than the alumni and even the college authorities, is taking an intelligent attitude toward a matter that is obscuring the prime justification of a university: to educate."

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