The plan for a new Harvard Fund, which will be a permanent organization intended solely as an avenue through which former members of the College and the Graduate Schools may make yearly contributions, was announced yesterday by D. W. McCord '21 who has resigned his position as Associate Editor of the Harvard Alumni Bulletin to become connected with the Harvard Fund Council as director of alumni relations. Yesterday's announcement was made as a preliminary to the publishing of full details in next week's Alumni Bulletin.
This fund, which has been considered and advocated by the alumni since 1919, has only recently been organized into the Harvard Fund with Howard Elliott '81, Chairman of the Northern Pacific Railroad, as president. A. T. Perkins '87 of St. Louis, and Leverett Saltonstall '14 of Boston are Vice-Presidents, and J. R. Hamlen '04 of Cambridge is Chairman of the Executive Committee. Howard Corning '90 of Cambridge is Executive Secretary of the Council. Mr. Hamlen has opened an office in Lehman Hall and will be in charge of the active field work of the fund.
Is Not a Campaign
The new Harvard Fund is to be perpetual in nature and is not to be associated with the idea of a single "campaign" or "drive" for alumni contributions, it was made clear by the officers of the Council. There will be no set quota and a large number of small contributors rather than a small number of large contributors is the purpose of this fund. By this arrangement it is presumed that the fund will present an opportunity and means whereby alumni may yearly express in proportionate measure their obligation and loyalty to Harvard.
Thirty on Council
Thirty graduates compose the membership of the Council, including, besides the officers mentioned, C. F. Adams '88, Treasurer of the University; W. C. Boyden '86, of Chicago; D. F. Davis '00, Secretary of War; B. H. Dibblee '99, of San Francisco; T. W. Lamont '92 of New York City; T. W. Slocum '90, President of the Harvard Club of New York; C. C. Stillman '98, and Eliot Wadsworth '98, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
Others are: N. F. Ayer '00 of Boston, H. L. Clark '87 of Philadelphia, E. P. Davis '99 of St. Paul, H S. Dennison of Framingham, M. D. Follansbee '92 of Chicago, J. D. Greene '96 of New York City.
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