Coach Shevlin of the boxing team has reported that in addition to 45 veterans who are back this year, 65 new men have reported from the class of 1929 to box daily.
The prospects for a winning team this year are exceptionally good. J. F. Sullivan '26, M. G. Shaw '28, B. A. Johnson '27 and J. D. Cooke 2L, are the veterans around whom the team will probably be formed, George Burns, a Freshman who has already had some experience in public boxing is expected to star in the 135 pound class. Sullivan is in the 188 pound class. Shaw is in the 126, and Johnson the 165 pound class.
No schedule has yet been made out for the boxing team. Coach Shevlin maintains that his primary interest is not to produce prize fighters but to give his men a pleasure in boxing which cannot be obtained when all the time is spent preparing for meets and in training a few especially good men. For this reason he will give all an equal opportunity to compete for the team which will be definitely made up shortly after the Christmas recess.
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