

Mr. Frank Sullivan has reported to the New York World a Munchausen-like anecdote concerning an Egyptian who conjures with his stomach. The man in question, Mr. Hadji All, has so far limited his performances to select audiences examining him and the wonder stomach through the medium of an X-ray machine, but the time cannot be long before he appears on the stage.

It seems there were there, goldfish, named, curiously enough, One, Two, and Three, and there was also a silk handkerchief. The goldfish pass gaily down the esophagus of Mr. All, and at the word of command reappear, apparently quite delighted with their journey. The regurgitation of the silk handkerchief seems to prove that the goldfish are involuntary and not conniving actors.

As Frank Sullivan says in conclusion: "After Mr. Ali's performance, one does not hesitate to say that the stomach has definitely arrived in art. It is true, of course, that Miss Gilda Gray and Dr. William J. Burr, the noted stomach specialist, have revealed the stomach to us in its true light, but Hadji Ali places it before us in a whimsical, lovable aspect hitherto unknown. And he makes it instructive as well as entertaining."
