The Harvard Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society will hold its winter banquet in the Faculty Room of the Union tonight. The banquet itself is scheduled for 7 o'clock, and following it, will take place the presentation of the keys and scrolls to the newly elected members of the society.
President Lowell will be tonight's chief speaker, and other notables in the world of scholarship are also expected to speak informally during and following the banquet.
Professor Roger B. Merriman '96, Vice President of the Society's Harvard Chapter, will be present, and will act as toastmaster for the occasion.
Tonight's affair is the most important meeting of the Society during the year. The banquet has been held annually since the founding of the Harvard Chapter, and has brought forth notable speeches on scholarship and education by some of America's foremost intellectual leaders. Ralph Waldo Emerson 1821, and President-Emeritus Charles W. Eliot '53, at former banquets of the same nature as tonight's delivered speeches on education that have since become classics.
Invitations to tonight's affair have been sent to all graduate members of the Harvard Chapter, and most of those within easy travelling distance of the University have signified their intention of being present.
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