

From the limbo of the almost-forgotten, the Debating Union rears its heal to assert that it will hold an open meeting for all members of the University on next Tuesday. Modelled on the debating unions of Oxford and Cambridge, this organization originally filled a vacant niche in the extra-curriculum world and provided opportunity for informal witty speaking. Last year, following the brief flare of the presidential campaign clubs, its intermittent energy waned again.

But like Vesuvius, the Union relapses only to appear once more. Un question ably it has a place in the academic world and all that it needs to do to claim it is again to burst forth in forensic splendor. The subject of "Is Harvard Collegiate?" will doubtless provide sufficient scope for all those with latent oratorical ambitions and yield much interest and entertainment for those who come to scoff or pray. Let it be hoped this eruption of the Union will have a positive result, for like volcanoes, debating societies are only worthwhile when definitely active or definitely extinct.
