
The Tiger Prepares

Princeton, N. J., November 3, 1925.--Crags replaced Blake at guard in signal practice this afternoon, this being the only change from Monday's lineup. Roper's change is a reversion to the line which started the Swarthmore game, apparently an effort to put more weight in the line from tackle to tackle.

Slagle and Ewing were given long workouts drop-kicking from the line of scrimmage. Slagle showing greater accuracy from all angles. Weekes and Bridges were not present, both of them recovering from injuries.

Relay races between two divisions of the squad featured the drill. Roper stressed especially the importance of starting together and getting away as the ball is passed. McMillan, Baldwin, and Gates gained most ground in the race, accounting for the way in which the centers and guards have been covering punts during the last three games.
