

Famed Dartmouth Quarter and Owen Are Possible Speakers--Question Deals With Over-Emphasis of Football

M. A. Cheek '26, captain of the University eleven, will be among the speakers condemning the present place of football when the Debating Union holds its second meeting Wednesday night.

The Committee in charge of the Debating Union is making efforts to enlist K. B. Dooley, former Dartmouth quarterback, on the other side of the question. Dooley, who was All-American quarterback last year, is in Boston coaching the teams that appear in the new comedy, "The Kick-Off."

It is hoped, also, that George. Owen Jr. '28 will take part in the debate. Owen's article calling football a grind and denying that the game was fun, stirred considerable comment recently.

The date of the meeting has been put off one night, due, to the number of other activities scheduled for Tuesday. The discussion will take place at 6 o' clock on Wednesday evening in the Faculty Room of the Union.

"Resolved, That this house deprecates the present over-emphasis upon intercollegiate football" is the question which will be discussed. A tentative list of the speakers was announced last night.


On the affirmative side, "depreciating" the present situation, M. A. Cheek '26, R. H. Field '26, who was the official dispenser of information concerning University football this fall, and E. J. Metzdorf '26 are the scheduled speakers. Each will speak five minutes.

The makeup of the negative team is still tentative. N. S. Howe '26, halfback on the University squad for three years, and J. F. Barnes '27, are expected to uphold football's present position of importance. Definite word has not been received from Dooley as to whether he will complete the trio.

Cheek's last speech to a large gathering was of a far different order than his talk on Wednesday will be, for the last time he spoke in public was ten days ago when he addressed 1000 frantic students at the football rally.
