The Graduate Schools Basketball League has been organized by the Department of Physical Education. The League, an annual feature of the winter program, was successful last year in providing recreation for a large number of the men doing graduate work in the University.
Each Class to Be Represented
Another league, one that will decide the college championship has also been arranged. The four undergraduate classes each have a team, and the College winners will oppose the graduate leaders for the championship of the University.
The schedule of games, both for the college and the graduate school teams is given below. In each case the first game will be played at 3 o'clock, the second encounter taking place at 4 o'clock. On December 21, three contests are scheduled at hour intervals, the first starting at 2 o'clock.
November 30--1926 vs. 1927; Business 1 vs. Law 1.
December 2--Law 3 vs. Arts and Sciences; Business 2 vs Law 2.
December 4--Business 2 vs. Law 1; 1928 vs. 1929.
December 7--1926 vs. 1929; Business 2 vs. Arts and Sciences.
December 9--Business 1 vs. Law 2; Business 2 vs. Law 3.
December 11--Law 1 vs. Arts and Sciences: 1927 vs. 1928.
December 14--1929 vs. 1927; Law 3 vs. Law 1.
December 16--Business 1 vs. Arts and Sciences: Law 2 vs. Law 1.
December 18--Law 2 vs. Law 3: Business 1 vs. Business 2.
December 21--Business 1 vs. Law 3; Law 2 vs. Arts and Sciences; 1926 vs. 1928.
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