

Even in its most unrestrained moments, the effete East confines itself to tearing down goal-posts. Nothing so tame and un-destructive would do for the Middle West. With all the recourses of Chicago at their disposal, liquid and otherwise, the students of Northwestern University felt that their football celebration was still too cramped. So they turned pyromaniac and burned and abandoned fraternity house. Even after firemen and policemen dragged them away, and put out the fire, they were determined to burn at least the wooden stands around the old athletic field. No doubt the Chicago Tribune will see in this burst of enthusiasm new proof of the superior virility of western college youth.

Fire insurance companies, praying for a season of uninterrupted defeats at North western next fall will probably fail to appreciate what a beautiful gesture it teally was. It is great sport to fight firemen. Many a college tradition has been established on less comprehensible foundations. If this kind of celebration is to become a North western custom, the frenzied students ought to be guided by a fine arts professor. Under capable direction they can gradually improve the architectural average in Evanston which, as we remember can stand some intelligent pruning.

The idea should take well. Chicago's present glory sprang from the ashes of the Great Fire. It is seldom that college youth have such a singular opportunity to demonstrate their virility and benefit the arts at the same time.
