Defeated twice but in a frame of mind that augurs ill for the Crimson, the Yale eleven will enter today's game a decided favorite. The over confidence that wracked the Blue's chances against Princeton has been replaced by a spurt of grim determination, and Captain Joss's men will go into the Stadium today with the odds at least two-to-one in their favor.
Yale Has Great Offense
Potentially Yale's eleven is one of the strongest ever turned out at New Haven. A tremendous offensive, made possible by the great charge of the line and the speed and weight of the backs, has given the Blue many touchdowns. Even while doing down to defeat before Pennsylvania and Princeton, Yale was able to score a pair of touchdowns on each occasion.
Defensively the Blue is not so powerful. The line is experienced and heavy, but the stonewall character of last year's barrier has not been much in evidence this season. The only team that Yale has blanked was Middlebury, its first opponent.
Kline and Allen Are Speedy
In Kline the Elis have a mighty line-plunger whose work in the mud last season will not soon be forgotten. Allen, the big fullback, is much the same type of player as Gehrke, being a strong defensive player, a good line-plunger, and an excellent kicker, Noble, who will start at halfback today, is a speedy carrier who will test heralded Harvard ends. And in Bunnell Yale has a cool, experienced, and flashy quarterback who is indispensable to the smoothness of the Blue attack. Harvard will do well to stop this brilliant quartet today.
Yale this season has won two of its four important games. Brown was beaten, 20 to 7, and the Army team succumbed, 28 to 7. Pennsylvania took Yale's measure, 16 to 13, thanks largely to Eli fumbles, and last week Princeton triumphed, 25 to 12.
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