

Current Attractions

Boston Opera House--"The Miracle" at 8.00.

Shubert--"The Student Prince" at 8.10.

Plymouth--"Beware of Widows" at 8.15.

Tremont--"The Cocoanuts" at 8.00.


Willbur--"Old English" at 8.20. Reviewed in this issue.

Hollis--"The School for Scandal" at 8.00.

Majestic--"Artists and Models" at 8.00. Reviewed in this issue.

Colonial--"Stepping Stones" at 8.10.

New Park--"The Grand Duchess and the Walter" t 8.15.

Copley--"The Creaking Chair" at 8.20. "As He Thinketh" at 2.00.

Repertory Theatre--"The Rivals" at 8.10.

Castle Square--"Able's Irish Rose" at 8.15.

Coming Plays

Tremont--"George White's Scandals" on November 23.

Plymouth--"Candida" with Peggy Wood on November 30.

New Park--"The Dark" with Elsie Ferguson and Basil Rathbone on November 23.

Repertory Theatre--"Rip Van Winkle" with Francis Wilson on November 23.

Colonial--"Lady Be Good" with Walter Catlett and the Astaires on November 30.

Majestic--"Greenwich Village Follies" on November 30.

The Week's Movies

Metropolitan--"The Phantom of the Opera" with Lon Chaney.

Loew's State--"Stage Struck" with Gloria Swanson.

Fenway--"The Road to Yesterday" with Joseph Schildekraut.

Tremont Temple--"Lightnin" at 8.15.

Keith-Albee--"Satan in Sables"
