

Allen, star defensive back and line-plunger, and Kline, outstanding Yale performer against the Crimson last year, easily lead as individual scorers among Tad Jones' football men, Crosby, flashy Sophomore carrier, is Coach Ficher's scoring ace, with Captain Cheek holding the runner-up position for individual scoring honors among the Cambridge cohorts.

In the seven games played this fall, Yale has scored 204 points. Twelve men have contributed to this total, but the three leaders have accounted for more than half of the full 204 tallies. Allen and Kline, both known for their ability to force the line for consistent gains, have naturally been given plenty of opportunity to administer the final blow. Allen has totalled 51 points, while Kline, his nearest rival, has personally marked 42 point on the scoreboard. Cutler, with 24 tallies, stands third. Noble and Wadsworth have chalked up 18 are 13 credits, respectively. Bradley, Failing, Wienecke, foote, Rilchards, Stone, and Cottle are other contributors to the Blue total.

Crosby, with six touchdowns and two goals after touchdowns, easily shows the way in individual scoring for Harvard. Captain Cheek, who is the only Crimson player to have tallied in three different ways, comes second with a total of 20 points. These he massed by two touchdowns, five successful tries for goal and one kick from the field by placement.

Howe, by reason of his three trips over the last lime line against Middlebury, stands third in order with 18 points to his name. Stafford and Sayles each have 12 markers to their credit, gained by touchdowns. Zarokov and Miller both have carried the ball for a single score, and the light-weight reserve also has one extra point on the 1925 books. Chauncey's drop-kick against Brown gave him three notches, and Moseley has booted two goals after touchdowns. Only nine men on the Crimson forces figure in the actual scoring of points this fall.

Only 30 of the 332 points that have been scored by today's rivals have been tallied by linemen. The Cheek to Savles aerial feature has allowed the latter to place the ball behind the last stripe twice, and Bradley, Eli wingman, has also chalked up 12 Blue points via the air route. Richards, Bulldog tackle, is the other forward who has had a hand in adding to Yale's total. His contribution amounts to six points, gained by a recovered fumble.


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