
The Tiger Prepares

Princeton, N. J., November 1, 1925.--The Princeton eleven goes into its final week of preparation for the Harvard struggle with great confidence tomorrow. Yesterday the Tiger got back on the victory trail by defeating Swarthmore, 19 to 7.

The best thing about the Swarthmore game from the Princeton standpoint was the work of Dignan, right halfback. Slagle, star Princeton carrier, remained on the sidelines yesterday, but although he has been the mainspring of the Tiger aerial attack all season, four out of seven passes were successful with him out of the game. Dignan did the tossing, and also gained much ground by his powerful linebucking. His punting was sensational, and promises to be at least on a par with the best Harvard can offer next Saturday.

Swarthmore was expected to give Princeton a stiff fight, but Captain McMillan's men put the game on the ice in the first period, Beares and Dignan scoring. Quarterback Caulkins was injured early in the game and may not be able to face the Crimson. Disston took his place yesterday, and Ewing, who started the Navy game and who is an accurate dropkicker, is also available.

In the Princeton line strength that has been hidden all season came to light yesterday, and Swarthmore's running attack was powerless until the closing minutes of the game. Gates, substitute tackle, and Lea, one of the relatively inexperienced Tiger wingmen, shared honors for the day.

Coach Roper kept a number of players out of the game, Slagle, Ewing, and Bridges, regular backs, remaining out of action.
