The College Observatory staff will introduce a notable innovation into its general public educational program tomorrow evening, with the first of a series of 15-minute radio talks on various astronomical subjects. Twenty-two of these talks, by nine members of the Observatory staff, are planned for Tuesday and Thursday evenings during the next three months, to be broadcast from Station WEEI, the Edison Electric Illuminating Company, of Boston.
Many Subjects to be Discussed
Among the subjects to be discussed are the origin of the Earth and its age, "The Stuff that Stars are Made Of," "Life in Other Worlds," "Comets, Eclipses, the Use of Telescopes," and "Beyond the Milky Way".
The Harvard Observatory, one of the oldest in America, is also one of the most famous astronomical institutions in the world. Its photographic collection is by far the largest in the world, and is used in the problems of stellar evolution; the history of the stars, and the dimensions and structure of the sidereal universe.
The first radio talk of the series, to be given by Dr. Harlowe Shapley at 7.45 o'clock tomorrow night, will be on "What are the Stars?" Dr. Shapley is Paine Professor of Practical Astronomy at Harvard, and has been director of the College Observatory since 1921.
The complete program is as follows.
November 3--What are the Stars? Professor Harlow Shapley.
November 5-Bright Stars and Constellations. Dr. William J. Luyten.
November 10--Telescopes and their Uses. Professor Willard P. Gerrish.
November 12--Photographing Stars and Planets. Professor Edward S. King.
November 17--Great American Observatories. Mr. Leon Campbell.
November 19--The Origin of the Earth and Other Planets. Dr. Shapley.
November 24--Eclipses of Sun, Moon, and Stars. Mr. Campbell.
November 26--Comets. Professor King.
December 1,--Shooting Stars. Dr. Willard J. Fisher.
December 3--The Age of the Earth. Dr. Shapley.
December 8--The Stuff Stars are Made of Dr. Cecilia H. Payne.
December 10--Classifying the Stars. Dr. Annie J. Cannon.
December 15--Stellar Evolution. Dr. Payne.
December 17--The Number and Sizes of the Stars. Dr. Luyten.
December 22--Star Clusters and Nobulae. Professor Solon I. Bailey.
December 29--The Milky Way. Professor Bailey.
December 31--Measuring the Universe. Dr. Shapley.
January 5--Beyond the Milky Way. Dr. Luyten.
January 7--The Amateur's Work in Astronomy. Mr. Campbell.
January 12--New Stars and Variables. Dr. Cannon.
January 14--Relativity. Professor King.
January 19--Life in Other Worlds? Dr. Shapley.
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