
Huge Rally Tonight Will Start Spurt for Victory

W. J. Blake '13 to Open Rally--Fisher and Cheek Also Listed--Starting Line-Up to Appear

With Harvard's desperate team on the platform, and with the Crimson's chances against Yale brighter than at any time since the Dartmouth game because of the great comeback last Saturday, tonight's rally at the Union is expected to be the most enthusiastic in years.

The rally, which will start at 7.15 o'clock, will be preceded by a parade of the University band. Starting at 6.45 o'clock, the band will march from Memorial Hall through the Yard to the Freshman Dormitories, thence proceeding to the Union. The cheerleaders will accompany the band, and the students are expected to fall in behind. While the University eleven will be battling against odds Saturday, the student body sees a fighting chance to win, and will roar their confidence to the team tonight.

The first speaker at the rally will be W. J. Blake '13; former Captain in the United States Army and at present head of the Veterans Bureau. He has been scouting Yale this season for the Crimson strategy board.

Coach Fisher will be the second speaker, and it is rumored that a third speaker, not on the program, will follow Coach Fisher on the platform. Mike's informal speech will as usual be a feature. Captain Cheek will be the final speaker of the rally.

The men chosen to start the Yale game will be on the platform, although it will not be surprising if 13 players occupy seats there, as the final choice of a backfield is likely to be deferred until Stafford's availability is definitely determined.
