At a meeting yesterday of the Phi Beta Kappa Senior Eight with the Graduate Committee, of which President Lowell is chairman, the tentative election of the following 30 men were confirmed:
1927 Junior Night
Alston Hurd Chase of Salem; Eugene Eisenmann of New Orleans, La.; Sumner Wilson Elton of Dorchester; Milton Irving Kats of Brooklyn, N. Y.; George Thomas Major of Easthampton; Norman Warren Schur of Beashmont; Lewis Hyman Weinstein of Portland, Me.; Lenson Arnold Weissberger of New York City.
1928 Senior Twenty-Two
Edward Campbell Aswell of Nashville, Tenn.; Allen Van Arnum Austin of Grand Rapids, Mich.; Benjamin M. Banks of Malden, Mass.; Louis William Black of Rochester, N. Y.; Stewart Scott Cairns of Cheises Mass.; Samuel Harris Checkver of Lynn; Hoyt Rodney Gale of New York City; Lester Ginsburg of Dorchester; Douglas Huntley Gordon of Baltimore, Md.; Henry Melvin Hart Jr. of Spokane, Wash.; James McLeHand Hawkes of East Lynn; Israel Klein of Brockton; Stanley Jasspon Kuaits of Worcester; Chester Tevis Lane of Richmond, Surrey, England; Harold Joseph Mallison of New York City; Antonio Ortizy Ortiz of Hottiacao Porto Rico; Oscar Moore Shaw of Washington, D. C.; Elliot Barker Spalding of Cambridge; Jule Elias Stocker of Detroit, Mich.; Kirke Marshall White of Oswego, N. Y.; Dean Earl Wood of Kansas City, Mo.; Redmond Stephens Wright of Chicago, IH.
Prizes Considered
In the selection of these men, the committee took into consideration prizes in literary competitions, and forms of mental work, besides the class-room grades. The grade average was based on the nine highest marks in the case of Juniors, and the 13 highest marks of the Seniors. Courses credited from other institutions were counted as C's.
Dinner Given Next Month
At the annual winter banquet which is to be held on Tuesday evening December 1, the keys and scrolls will be presented by President Lowell. Professor R. B. Merriman '96, Vice-President of the Harvard Chapter, will act as toastmaster.
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Lowell to Address Harvard Dames