

Two Orchestras Will Play for Annual Pre-Game Affair--Attendance Will Be Strictly Limited

With the announcement of patronesses and the naming of ushers, plans for the Union dance on Friday before the Yale game, were declared to be complete by the Union management last night.

Two orchestras will provide continuous music in both the living room and the Reading Room. Dancing will be from 10 o'clock to 3 o'clock, and the attendance has been limited in order to avoid crowding. With the same purpose in view, the avoiding of all congestion, the management has announced that the same system devised for the Dartmouth dance will be again used. Both the upstairs and downstairs Dining Rooms will be used, and no crowding within any one part of the building is anticipated.

Two Orchestras Engaged

Jacques Renard will be stationed in the living room with his Mansion Inn Orchestra, while the rhythm for the dances in the Reading Room will be furnished by the Reinberg Calabres orchestra. Tickets will be limited to 900. Only members of the Union will be admitted. The price is 4.50 for single tickets, while the price for couples is four dollars. Tickets may be secured daily at the newstand between 9 and 4 o'clock. The Union management urges all members who are planning to attend to secure tickets promptly. The supply of tickets on the night of the dance has seldom been equal to the demand, and this year is not expected to be an exception.

In order that there shall be no crowding of the Dining Rooms, supper cards with an eating time printed on them will be issued with every ticket. Supper will be served from 11.10 o'clock to 12.50 o'clock.


The list of patronesses as announced by the Union is as follows: Mrs. G. H. Chase, Mrs. W. E. McCurdy, Mrs. J. S. P. Tatlock, Mrs. A. Lawrence Lowell, Mrs. R. DeC. Ward, Mrs. Francis Parkman, Mrs. E. C. Moore, Mrs. G. W. Cram, Mrs. Henry Tudor, Mrs. D. K. David, Mrs Ada Comstock, Mrs. N. P. Hallowell, Mrs. Andrew Adie, Mrs. Francis McGlone, Mrs. Calvent Magruder Mrs. Matthew Luce, Mrs. W. B. Donham, Mrs. Robert Bacon, Mrs. W. B. Cannon, Mrs. E. N. Bradford, Mrs. C. W. Hackett, Mrs. Robert Hallowell, Mrs. F. S. Mead, Mrs. G. H. Edgell, Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs. James Lawrence, Mrs. A. N. Holcombe Mrs. D. M. Little, Mrs. B. C. Hopper, Mrs. E. A. Whitney, Mrs. Dwight M. Sayles, Mrs E. R. Nash, Mrs. Harry Burnet., 2nd, Mrs. R. T. Fisher Mrs. Robert Salionstall. Mrs. Clifford Moore, Mrs. Charles Hopkinson, Mrs. James Perkins.

H. H. McCubbin '27, has been named head usher and will be in charge of the dance, H. R. Jones '26 is assistant head usher, and the following members of the University will serve under them, Floyd Anderson 3L., L. B. R. Barker '26. N. R. Borden, Assistant Professor, F. E. Bowman 2G., Alden Briggs 1G.B., W. H. Cary 1G., R. S. Coolidge '28, G. B. Cramer. '26, J. D. DuBois 212, H. R. Earle, Jr., '25, W. O. Field '26, R. T. Flood '27, A. O. Fordyce. '28. C. A. Glover 2M., L. H. Gordon '27, Corliss Lamont H. C. T. F; B. Lyon '27, J. C. McDonald '26, A. Maine '29, H. L. Morgan '28, C. B. Munro, Instr., A. H. O'Nell '28. Wilson Palmer 5 E.S., W. C. Poletti H., Brooks Peiter 21., L. O. Pratt '26. W. T. Reid 27, S. H. Sturgis '27, F. P. Weymer '26, E. F. Wright 2 G.B.
