Red torches originally intended for use in the local political rallies of early November will furnish the illumination for the football mass meeting of the Freshman class in Smith Halls quadrangle at 7.15 o'clock tonight.
Tonight's mass meeting is the first outdoor affair of the sort which has been held at the University in many years. Consequently when the plans for the meeting were being made, the problem of lighting arrangements was at first a serious one. It was discovered, however, that Ralph W. Robert, the defeated candidate for Mayor of Cambridge, had on hand a large supply of red fire, which arrived too late for use in his campaign and which he was glad to dispose of at cost, as the next mayoral election does not occur for two years. The purchase was therefore made, and the flaming lights at tonight's rally promise to be a novel feature.
Doan E. A. Whitney '17, W. H. Trumbull '15, Coach T. J. Campbell '12, and Captain A. E. French '29, the leader of the Freshman football team, will be the speakers at the rally tonight. Trumbull was acting captain of the 1914 University eleven that overwhelmed Yale..36 to 0, in the inauguration contest of the Yale Bowl, and this week has been assisting with the work of remodeling the forward line of the Crimson team.
The undefeated Freshman team will be present, and cheers for the eleven and its individual members will be led by two members of the University cheerleading squad, J. N. Watters '26 and A. H. O'Neil '28.
Before the meeting the University Band will parade past Gore and Standish Halls reaching Smith at about 7.10 o'clock. The meeting will be conducted by Winslow Carlton, manager of the 1929 football team, and his assistant, W. S. Youngman, Jr. '29. The newly elected Dormitory Committees have also assisted in making plans for the rally.
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