

Tibbetts, Haggerty and Luttman Favored for First Place--Capt. Smith of Yale Is Strongest Opponent

New Haven., Conn., November 12, 1925. --The possibilities of the Yale University cross-country team winning the 'Big Three' run at Cambridge tomorrow afternoon are the darkest that they have been for years. In the two meets thus far, the Eli harriers have been defeated, Springfield Y. M. C. A. College winning by the score of 25 to 30 and Columbia University by a 23 to 32 margin.

At the beginning of the season expectations for a successful year were high, but due to the loss of two of the best runners of the squad, the team has been severely handicapped.

The showing that Yale will make today will be largely contingent upon the condition of Captain M. L. Smith, who was injured in the first meet of the season. A. M. Briggs, second best runner for the Blue, has also sustained injury, but is expected to be in condition for the race.

A dispatch from the Daily Princetonian takes the same attitude of resignation:
