
Brown Prepares

From the Brown Daily Herald

Providence, R. I., November 11, 1925--Coach Robinson gave the Brown eleven another light workout yesterday, in preparation for the Harvard game. One of the main features of the practice was a long forward passing drill. The Brown eleven is evidently expecting to use the aerial attack, which was so successful against Boston University last week, with even more effect against Harvard's admittedly weak forward pass defense.

Broad and Captain Stifler, the Brown ends, are two of the best wing men in the cast: Stifler proved his worth last season and Board has been playing brilliantly all this fall, especially in the Dartmouth game.

With all the cripples except Edes, 180-pound pepper not whose work at halfback was a feature of the early season games, and Magee, aggressive tackle, back in action, the Brown squad is in good shape for Saturday's contest.
