

A perusal of the Freshman themes upon first reactions at Harvard, selections from which are reprinted in this morning's CRIMSON, gives the impression that the Freshman class has not a few thoughtful and discriminating young men among its numbers.

Specific suggestions for improving the receptions of future Freshman classes at Harvard are few: the dining halls should be opened during the preliminary meetings, the meetings themselves should be shorter and of more varied interest; beyond that there is little to say.

But reflections upon Harvard itself are many and interesting. Awkward expression, cloudy thinking, green sentimentalism, all make their appearance as is natural in any group of Freshman compositions. Yet however darkly, many of the Freshmen seem already to have glimpsed the realities of Harvard. Harvard indifference, they discover, has its strong justification; disregard of the freshwater puerilities of hazing and class customs, is founded upon good sense; professors and faculty advisers, they find to their apparent surprise, are not bewhiskered pedants but friendly and inspiring gentlemen.

Aided by the freedom which is here given them from faculty taskmasters and upperclass persecutors, the Freshmen at Harvard have been able, as the Freshmen at few other colleges are, to realize the true values at Harvard and to appreciate the opportunities which are opening before them.
