
"Ach, Marvelous" Exclaim German Students as They Are Escorted Through University--Are Astounded by Wealth

The sight of students occupying college-owned dormitories and driving to classes in automobiles astounded the 50 Germans who visited the University yesterday even more than did the beauty of the glass flowers and the vastness of Widener Library.

The German visitors were students at the University of Cologne, who are on a 23-day tour of the leading industrial and educational institutions in eastern America. Yesterday morning, led by representatives of the United American Lines, they swarmed across Harvard property, going from Engineering School to the Peabody Museum, and thence to the Germanic Museum and the Widener Library.

"You Have So Many Professors?"

The visiting students' most usual reply to questions asked them about their impression, of Harvard was "Ach! Marvelous!" When they came upon the line of cars parked before the New Lecture Hall, one asked, waving an astounded hand at the automobiles: "You have so many professors?" In Cologne no students have automobiles.

The visiting students, most of them sons of prominent German business men, were reluctant to discuss politics. But they were overwhelmed by the apparent wealth they saw in the United States. "Why," said one of the few who could speak English, "this Germanic Museum--to think a university owns it! In Germany a city would consider itself fortunate to own a museum of that size!"


Militarism Is Out of Date

This English-speaking visitor said that the military spirit in Germany was a thing of the past. And then he burst out. "Why, if we had had any idea of the wealth and organizing ability of the United States, we would never have had a war with you!"

He continued to expand on the subject of American wealth. Evidently he had never eaten a meal at the Cambridge lunch counters. "In Germany we pay for all our food; here you get bread and butter free." It is feared that he will never learn differently, as the party lunched yesterday at Massachusetts institute of Technology, and leaves shortly for Niagara Falls, Chicago. Pittsburgh, and Washington.
