Yesterday's downpour delayed the opening of the class football season. On account of the weather most of the prospective candidates failed to appear, only about a dozen men reporting. Consequently the official opening was postponed until 3 o'clock this afternoon, when all men wishing to play class football will report to Coach J. L. Knox '98 of the second team.
Coach Knox stated yesterday that he would appoint three temporary captains this afternoon, and would ask each class to appoint a committee of three for the direction of class football. The coaching will be left in the hands of the players themselves, though Coach Knox will assist from time to time. At the interclass games the second team coaching staff will be on hand, looking for prospective material for the second squad.
R. H. Dyer '26 and L. H. Duggan '27, manager and assistant manager, respectively, of the second team, will be in charge of the class football managerial affairs. The class teams will use the old Freshman and second team fields near the Locker Building, and will probably also use the recently reclaimed land in the northwest corner of Soldiers Field, near the present Freshman gridiron.
The Freshmen were the only players among the class football men to get into action yesterday. Coach E. D. Hamilton '23 had his dormitory squad working out in spite of the rain.
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