

To Take Over Freshman Affairs Now in Charge of Nichols--Discuss Plans for Cheer-Leader's Competition

At the second meeting of the Student Council, to be held at 7.15 o'clock tonight in the faculty room in University Hall, officers will be elected and various committees appointed.

The members of the Student, Council, 15 in number for the first time this year, will elect men to the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They will also choose three more men to comprise, with the officers, the executive committee. This committee will confer from time to time with the Deans of the College, and will work in cooperation with them as much as possible.

To Appoint 1929 Affairs Committee

A committee of three is to be appointed to take charge of Freshman affairs until the class of 1929 elects its officers in March. W. I. Nichols '26, one of the new-elected members of the council, has been temporarily in charge of Freshman affairs.

Matters which will be discussed are the Harvard Register, which is being printed by H. E. Wiener '20, and the competition for cheerleaders. E. W. Martin '26 is chairman of the Student Council Committee on Cheerleading, and other members of the committee are P. D. Debevoise '26. Thayer Cumings '26, and Delmar Leighton '19. As yet nothing has been done about the competition, and A. H. O'Neil '28, Freshman cheerleader last year, was leading the cheers at Saturday's game.
