

Director to Take "Creaking Chair" to Broadway--Plays by Ibsen and Others Start in February

At the first meeting of the year of the Theatre Goers Club, held yesterday in Emerson Hall, E. E. Clive, director of the Copley Theatre, and De Wolf Hopper took turns at entertaining and amusing a large gathering of students interested in the theatre.

Mr. Clive, who talked first, outlined his plans for the coming season. His audience, used to the conservative policy of the Copley, was amazed to hear that Mr. Clive had made definite plans for organizing a New York company, and that this season his repertory company would put on plays by Ibsen and other playwrights whose works are little seen hereabouts.

Art and the Box Office

"You are the first," said Mr. Clive, "to hear of this scheme. I spent the summer in getting plays of both commercial and purely artistic interest. 'The Creaking Chair' is, of course, one of the commercial plays. At present it is playing to very profitable houses, and I am organizing an entirely new company to play it in New York.

"Starting in February, we will abandon all 'popular' or commercial plays, and put on such productions as 'Hedda Gabler,' 'The Three Sisters,' 'The Veil of Contempt,' and 'A Grain of Mustard Seed.'


"Creaking Chair" Fills Coffers

"With our coffers well filled by the performances of 'The Creaking Chair' here and in New York, we shall be able to afford playing nothing but these artistic plays, starting in February.

"I have a deep regard for this club, and that is why I'm telling you these plans before anyone else has heard of them. Your interest means a lot to us at the Copley, and when you leave college, your influence will spread with you."

When Mr. Clive had finished, Mr. De Wolf Hopper, veteran of light opera fame, took the platform and with booming voice that filled every corner of the room, spent an hour recounting amusing incidents of his long and varied career.
