The future of polo at Harvard hung in the balance at noon yesterday when Col. Clark, coach of the polo team, told the candidates for that sport that without their financial support the sport could not be continued.
Polo is proving a great expense to its devotees. The initial cost of membership in the Polo Association is $12. This year a further expense must be defrayed by the members of the Association, for the team requires money for the care of the ponies, the upkeep of the field, and for the purchasing of equipment.
At the meeting yesterday those present, who will make up the squad for fall, practice, pledged themselves to maintain polo as a sport at Harvard and voted that the expense of maintaining it should be divided equally between the members of the squad. The membership of the squad will be limited, it was decided, to 20 members.
Will Hold Outdoor Practice
The depressing nature of indoor fall polo led Col. Clark to urge the members of the squad that they consider the offer of the Dedham Polo Club. By the terms of this offer the University team may use the Dedham team's field for their practice during the Fall provided that they care for the upkeep of the field. With the guarantee of money for the care of the field outdoor Fall practice becomes a surety. The release of the team from the prospect of indoor Fall practice will do much, Col. Clark promised the team, to maintain the form which the team showed last spring and summer.
During the Fall practice, which will last six weeks, Col. Clark proposes to negotiate with Yale and Princeton for several matches. Here again the Association is faced with a problem of finances, and, to cover all the expense which it is estimated will arise, $300 will be raised.
In outlining his plans for the entire year the coach explained that the team will practice during the winter at the Commonwealth Armory. Before and after the winter season the team will be allowed a recess from play of several weeks. For the Fall season the team will meet every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon at Dedham. The ponies will be furnished by the Military Science Department of the University.
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