Neal O'Hara '15, humorist on the staff of the Boston Herald-Traveller, will give a talk tonight in the Living Room of the Union at 7.30 o'clock. "Humorists, and How They Get That Way," is the topic which Mr. O'Hara will present to his audience. Preliminary arrangements for the Union's next speaker have also been announced by the Union management.
Tentative arrangements have been made by the Union to secure Rear Admiral F. C. Billard, Commandant of the Coast Guard, to deliver a talk on the sea-fighting along rum row.
Declares Rum Row Scattered
A definite date has not yet been announced by the Union management, but Rear Admiral Billard will visit the University sometime during the second week in November, probably on Thursday, November 12.
The Coast Guard Commandant, who has been in charge of the recent block ades of the rum ships off the Atlantic coast, particularly off New York, declares that Rum Row has been effectively scattered, but that rum ships in greatly reduced numbers are still discovered in ever-changing positions, endeavoring to evade the vigilance of the Coast Guard.
Witnessed Many Liquor battles
Rear Admiral Billard has been in close touch with the actual conditions along the seaboard, and has himself witnessed the fights between bootleggers and hijackers, and machine-gun encounters between bootleggers and hijackers on one side and the Coast Guard on the other.
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