Breaking away from the routine of college business which has absorbed the Student Council at Harvard during the past few years, the Student Council took one of the most progressive steps in its history by appointing a committee to investigate educational problems at Harvard. This was done at its third meeting on the year held last night in the Faculty Room.
The purpose of this committee is to conduct an investigation of the general theory of education at Harvard, and to recommend changes in the theory and practice of education which should be put into practice in the University. It is understood that this investigation will include such subjects as the adjustment of the tutorial system to the old course system, and the equalization of the requirements for a degree in the various departments of the University, as well as a number of other problems now prominent in education here.
Report Expected in Spring
By unanimous vote of the Student Council a committee of three members was appointed, consisting of E. C. Aswell '26, chairman; J. L. Carrol '26, and W. I. Nichols '26. This committee will subsequently appoint six or seven other representative undergraduates not members of the Student Council to assist them in their investigation and to confer with them upon their report; which, it is expected, will be presented next spring, and which will equal in scope and importance the report recently made by a committee of Dartmouth undergraduates upon the educational problems of that institution.
Dates to be Recorded
Other action undertaken by the Council last night consisted of the recommendation that polo be recognized as a minor sport; the announcement that the Register will appear this year during the week of the Yale game; and the appointment of committees to study such prob- lems as that of planning a budget to meet drives for all funds raised in the University, considering the matter of class colors, and investigating the parking situation.
The Student Council also discussed the need for an official date book for the University. After various plans had been considered and rejected, it was recommended by the Council that officers of all organizations of the University submit to the Crimson by telephone or in writing, the dates for meetings already scheduled, so that they may be entered in the date book kept by the news department of the CRIMSON. It further recommends that these officers consult this book before scheduling future meetings, in order to avoid conflicting dates.
Polo Deemed Practicable
J. N. Watters '26, after investigating the polo situation, reported that at Yale the Athletic Association made a yearly award of 1500 dollars for the support of polo, and that the balance was raised through the efforts of a Graduates' Polo Committee. He reported further that 38 men had come out for polo early in the season, and that the squad had recently been cut to 20, each of whom was required to pay dues to cover expenses for the upkeep of the field used for practice at the Dedham Country Club.
The Council report reads: "In view of the increased interest displayed in polo during the past few years at Harvard, the Student Council again recommends that polo be recognized as a minor sport." When this suggestion was first put up for ratification several years ago, it was vetoed by President Lowell. The Council further recommended that the Athletic Association provide the same support for polo here as is the case at Yale, and that negotiations with a similar Graduates' Polo Committee be started. The final decision in regard to these suggestions rests in the hands of the Athletic Committee, and will be voted on at the next meeting of that organization.
A better from the Directors of the Harvard Alumni Association stated that they though so favorably of the suggestion in regard to class colors that they had appointed four men, G. A. Morison, '00, Ralph Lowell '12, Leverett Saltonstall '14, and J. W. D. Seymour '17, to confer with the Student Council committee consisting of J. A. Halsted '26, W. I. Nichols '26, and G. D. Debevoise '26, on this matter.
F. V. Field '27, H. W. Foote '27, and L. H. Duggan '27, have been appointed to consult with Corliss Lamont '24, in connection with a campaign among the colleges in favor of the United States entering the World Court.
The three members of the Council chosen to confer on the proposed plan for a budget to provide for funds of University organizations, such as the Phillips Brooks House Associations, are J. C. McGlone '26, C. G. T. Lundell '27, and E. W. Marshall '26
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