

Redshirts Tally Once Against Scrubs in Scrimmage--McGlone Directs Team From Quarterback Position

Five of the injured players on the University squad were in uniform at yesterday's practice. Captain Cheek, Miller, Nash, Daley, and Macomber all donned togs, and all of them will be ready to face Dartmouth.

Coady May Not Start

The presence of Coady in civilian clothes gives rise to conjecture as to who will replace him should he be unable to play Saturday. The coaches hope that Coady will be available, but Maher or Howe may start the contest.

Maher, who got into action yesterday for the first time in several weeks, is a better punter than Coady and is a shifty runner. Lighter than Coady, he is less powerful as an interfering and defensive back.

Howe, on the other hand, is more of the Coady type, being a strong tackler and also a powerful line-backer.


Adie Expected to Be Ready

Of the injured players, Cheek, Miller, and Daley, merely limbered up yesterday. Nash and Macomber worked in signal drill but did not scrimmage. Adie and Saltonstall, injured ends, were not in uniform, but Adie is expected to be ready for work Saturday.

Dartmouth plays were used by the Second team in a long scrimmage yesterday. While the University eleven scored only one touchdown during the 50 minutes of play, this signifies little, as the ball was exchanged by ultimatum of the coaches rather than by work of the players.

Flashy work by Nordberg, lightweight speedster who only recently donned a red jersey, featured the scrimmage. The one University score came when Barbee crossed the line after the first team had carried the ball half the length of the field. McGlone, whose run put the Fisher forces in scoring position, drop-kicked the goal after touchdown.

Blake Directs Scrub Backs

For the scrubs, the longest gain, a 25 yard run, was made by Crawford after receiving a forward pass. T. D. Blake '25, for three years quarterback of the blackshirts and at present a Second team coach, took part in the scrimmage yesterday, directing the scrubs in the use of Dartmouth plays.

Team A yesterday found Sayles and E. H. Bradford on the ends, Lindner and Pratt at the tackles, C. H. Bradford and Kilgour at the guards, and Turner at center. Hoague replaced Kilgour during the afternoon. The regular backfield was composed of McGlone, Crosby, Howe and Maher. McGlone and Lindner were forced to report late due to classes and their places were filled temporarily by Moseley and Simonds. The brief shift of Moseley back to his old place at quarter was an interesting feature of the lineup.
