To provide an enduring memorial for the 127 Field Service men who gave their lives in the World War, to develop a better realization and appreciation of the contributions of French universities to science and learning and goodwill between France and the United States, are the purposes for which the American Field Service Fellowships for French Universities, Inc., is offering fellowships for 1926-1927. Members of the University may consult Professor H. J. Hughes '94, Dean of the Engineering School for particulars.
The fellowships which amount to $1200 in value, are offered to college graduates primarily. They provide for a year of study in anyone of a number of French universities. A large range of subjects are included in the list for which the Fellowships are granted.
Applicants Must Be Graduates
Each applicant must, at the time of making the application, be a graduate of a college of recognized standing, or of a professional school requiring three years of study for a degree. If he is not such a graduate, he must have spent five years in work requiring like technical skill and be at least 24 years old. The candidate must be of good moral character, and must have a practical ability to use French books. It is preferable that he should be between the age of 20 and 30
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