
In the Graduate Schools

Olson Plans to Organize Discussion Group in Graduate Schools

To gather information leading to the better acquaintanceship among students of the graduate schools, and to the organization of discussion groups among those whose work, as well as outside interests fall in the same fields, a questionnaire has been sent around by the Graduate School Society to members of all the graduate schools. An encouraging number of replies have already come back to R. L. Olson 3G., secretary of the organization.

"A year or two years slip by so quickly that unless some outside organization arranges and pushes the work along, students who would like to become acquainted with men of common interests and who realize the value of discussion gatherings, are unlikely ever to establish these contacts. Discussion groups mean a great deal to graduate students and result in everyone involved making better progress," said Olson in commenting upon the questionnaire.

The questionnaire asks two questions mainly, the recipients thesis topic, and topics in which he has special interest outside of his field of research. The responses which have so far been received have answered these questions fully and enthusiastically. The Graduate School Society will start on the work of organizing the discussion groups within the next week.
