That the University Squash teams will be included on the fall schedule of the Massachusetts Squash Racquets Association again this year, was definitely decided at a recent meeting of that organization. Previous to this announcement it had been consistently rumored that because of the regular and impressive victories registered by Harvard teams in the past few years the Boston association would close its competition to the national inter-collegiate champions of last year. Captain Debevoise '26, of this year's team, however, spoke before the Association on the need of Crimson teams for fall competition, and was able to gain a favorable decision.
Three Class System Continued
The same system of three classes will be continued again this year, with the University team competing in Class A, the second team in class B, the Freshman team in Class C, and the first and second Lincoln Inn teams in Classes B and C respectively.
The squash season will be opened November 1, with a tournament which will help determine the members of this year's teams. The College tournament, which in past years has been held in the fall also, will be eliminated this year, due to confusion which has arisen from players competing in two draws at the same time. The regular University tournament will start about the middle of January.
Despite the loss of W. P. Dixon '25, captain of last year's team and holder of the national intercollegiate championship, and E. M. Upjohn '25, Coach Cowles is optimistic in viewing the coming season.
"With two such talented players as Captain Debevoise and Rawlins, I am extremely hopeful of having another winning team this year," declared Coach Cowies yesterday.
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