

To Deal With Table Raising Crystal Gazing, and Spirit Photography in Union Meeting

"Do we receive authentic messages from the dead? Is there really something in spiritualism, or are the manifestations we see and hear of as being presented by Spiritualists merely clever tricks?"

Mr. Frederick Dunworth will answer these questions tonight in the living room of the Union at 7.30 o'clock. Mr. Dunworth, long famous as an exposer of fake mediums will talk before a Harvard audience tonight, dealing with the problems of spirit photography, table raising, reading by the aid of crystal gazing, and many others.

To Demonstrate Trickery

By actual demonstrations, Mr. Dunworth intends to show that trickery is quite possible in this field, but it is not his intention to deride the true medium or believer in spiritualism.

"A large gap lies between spiritualism and psychic phenomena," says Mr. Dunworth. "We are not certain but that the latter is possible. Still, under this guise, much trickery is perpetrated. The difference between magicians and those who claim they can communicate with the spirits, is that the ormer admit the presence of fraud and deception. When spiritualists cannot readily produce their occult messages, they will turn to trickery, instead of postponing the seance to another time, which is sufficient proof of their inability."


Follows Houdini's Methods

Last winter Harry Houdini, famous magician, gave a demonstration at Symphony Hall wherein he tried to prove that "Margery," noted medium, was a fraud. Mr. Dunworth will show tonight, in the same manner, how other tricks by mediums are done. The title of his address is "Spiritism, an Instructive and Educational Expose."

Last year Mr. Dunworth substituted at the Yale Club in New York when the scheduled speaker was unable to arrive on time. The Club reports that the Yale graduates became so interested in the performance of Mr. Dunworth that they did not allow him to stop even when the regular speaker for the evening arrived.

Besides demonstrating the methods of dishonest mediums. Mr. Dunworth will perform mystifying tricks of his own.
