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To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
I notice in your issue of some days ago that you make the statement that one reason the world is advancing is that the church is losing its influence in the lives of men and that education and culture are taking its place.
In the first place that statement is absolutely false and you could never prove it if you sought out the best brains of the country. It could never be. In the first place, the church is the one agency in the whole world today which is doing the most good and exerting the greatest influence on the lives of men. Education can never take the place of religion and the church as the agency of religion. The reason is that education and culture touch the mind, while the church touches something finer, our soul, which is our very being.
Education itself cannot exist in its best form it were not for the influence of the church. The church takes education and makes it the power that it is. Men in every walk of life do not turn to education and the college for an expression of the best that is in them. They turn to the church. The church is the one and only true source of one's happiness.
The wayfaring man or woman, the unhappy sinner the lonely man or woman does not turn to the college or education for happiness but to the church.
The church is the one agency which makes of business, civic welfare, politics, and the whole realm of our life today things of usefulness and service. The world is better for education and man is better, but if it were not for the influence of the church the results of education and the effects of education would be wasted.
This statement should be retracted for the sake of Harvard, education, and the church itself. Raymond G. Wickenham 1G.B.S.
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