The Student Council will hold its first meeting of the year tonight, at 7 o'clock in Holworthy 8 M. A. Cheek '26, appointed temporary chairman of the council, will preside.
The purpose of this meeting is to appoint five new members to the council, three from the Senior class and two from the Junior class. The constitution provides that these men be appointed without the ratification of the University, by the ten members elected last June.
As soon as possible, the council, with the five new members, will elect officers and all Executive Committee, composed of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and three other members, to hold office until June 1. The duties of the Executive Committee will be to hold conference with the Deans of the College, and cooperate with them in every way possible.
To Create Committee
One of the first actions of the council will be to appoint a committee of three of its members, which will take charge of all Freshman affair until the 1929 officers are elected, after midyears. Until this committee shall be appointed, W. I. Nichols '26 is temporarily in charge of Freshman activities.
This year, with the new provision for picking cheer leaders on a competitive basis, a committee chosen by the council will take charge of a competition for the five positions open.
The method of conducting the competition, as described by the council report of last spring, is as follows:
Cheerleaders to Compete
"A committee of three undergraduates and one graduate, to be selected by the council, shall start a competition immediately after college opens in the fall, and shall continue until after the first few games. Five men in the competition will be appointed cheer leaders, one of whom shall be head cheer leader, on the approval of the Student Council.
"Each June the head cheer leader, in conjunction with the committee, shall appoint his successor for the coming year, and this successor shall aid the committee in carrying on the competition in the fall."
It was announced further that "the head cheer leader shall receive an award for his position--an insignia to be designated by the committee. All cheer leaders shall receive medals."
The committee for conducting the competition this year is made up of the following:
Three undergraduate members. Thayer Cumings '26, G. D. Debevoise '26, and F. W. Martin '26.
Graduate member, Delmar Leighton '19, The ten members of the Student Council now are:
Seniors: M. A. Cheek Jr., J. J. Maher, W. L. Tibbetts, J. N. Watters, N. S. Howe, J. C. MoGlone, G. D. Debevoise.
Juniors: L. F. Daly, C. G. Lundell, F. C. Field.
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