The initial meeting of the fall crew season will take place this afternoon at 5 o'clock in the Smith Halls common room. The principal speaker will be Head Coach Stevens, who is interested in getting as many inexperienced men our for rowing as possible.
"The thing that will make this a banner year for crew," declared Coach Stevens, "is to have all the men sign up who feel any interest in rowing. As soon as a man finishes with one activity, he ought to come out for crew, if he has not decided on another sport. Experience means nothing in our game, particularly in regard to Freshmen."
Marks Official Opening
Today's meeting will mark the official opening of the fall season, although candidates were enrolled yesterday at both boathouses. More than 100 Freshmen reported, and 125 upperclassmen showed up at the Newell boathouse. It is expected, however, that many more will report today and during the remainder of the week. The management has emphasized the fact that men may sign up for rowing at any time during the year, in order to accommodate those engaged in other fall sports.
The speakers this afternoon, besides Coach Stevens, will be Coach Haines of the 1929 crew, Captain Robert Winthrop '26 and Manager W. C. Ladd '26. At the meeting, the rowing situation will be explained, and the plans for the new year outlined.
All Candidates Report
All men who contemplate rowing are requested to attend. Attention is drawn to the fact that men who reported at the Boathouses yesterday afternoon are not exempt.
Coxswains are in especial demand and will find it to their advantage to report at once in order to gain experience in fall rowing. Men whose weight is under 125 pounds are eligible as coxswains, irrespective of experience.
Men will sign up today and the crews will be made up tomorrow and the lists posted in the window of Leavitt and Peirce's. Bowing will begin on Monday and continue as long as conditions on the river permit.
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