

All Men Who Plan to Try for Team Next Year Must Attend--Meeting at 7 O'clock at Varsity Club

The Harvard football campaign for 1925 will get under way in earnest tonight with a meeting at the Varsity Club at 7 o'clock for all men who expect to try for the team next fall. The football management wishes it distinctly to be understood that attendance is not optional, but that it is imperative for all prospective candidates to be present.

Plan Program for Winter Season

A program of winter training for all football players who are engaged in to other organized sport has been planned. The details of this scheme will be explained tonight. Something of the same set was done last winter but it is expected that the program will be more rigorous this year.

Captain M. A. Cheek '26 will make his first appearance before the football men since his election. He will speak briefly on the general plan of the coming campaign, the object of which is to boost Crimson football prestige up to its prewar level.

Logan and Farrell Will Speak


The other speakers will be M. J. Logan '15, chairman of the newly organized football graduate advisory committee, and former quarterback and coach, and coach E. L. Farrell of the track team. The speeches will be informal and the subjects have not been announced. It is understood, however, that Farrell will discuss the value of track work to football men.

After the speeches moving pictures of the Princeton and Yale games of last fall will be shown and discussed.

A regular series of meetings is already tentatively arranged for every two weeks until April with addresses by Harvard football men and also by one or two prominent outsiders.
