

Coach Farrell Declares at Least 350 Track Men Should Turn Out--With 400 He Guarantees to Beat Yale

"I want to see 500 men come out for track tomorrow" was Coach Farrell's comment last night on the meeting at 3 o'clock this afternoon at the Locker Building, which will inaugurate the winter track season for both University and 1928 men, Coach Farrell, Captain H.T. Dunker '25, and Manager Brooks White-house '25, and will outline the plans for the season, which will start with the B.A.A. meet on January 31.

"There ought to be at least 350 to 400 men there anyway" continued Coach Farrell". If we can get 400 candidates, as Yale and other colleges do, I can guarantee that we'll beat Yale this year."

With a nucleus composed of men like Captain Dunker, W.L. Chapin Jr. '25, B.R. Cutcheon '25, C.G.T. Lundell '27, R.G. Allen '26, F.P. Kane '26, J.N. Watters '26 and others; and several Freshman stars such as R.G. Luttman '28 and A.N. O'Nell '28 and some possible dark horses, Coach Farrell is looking forward to a successful season, Immediately after the meeting track practice will begin under the direction of Coaches Farrell, D.F. O'Connell '21, and Jakko Mikkola, coach of the Finnish Olympic team.

Coach Farrell stressed the necessity for candidates to report immediately. "The candidates at Yale and other colleges have generally had more preparatory school experience," he policed out, "Developing green material here means an early start and lots of practice. Out of 23 men who appeared for Harvard in the Intercollegiate track meet last spring, only five were preparatory school stars, while Yale had 28 school stars out of 31 on the team."
