

The Lampoon's Business School Number is clever, funny--intensely so. It is even funny after it becomes apparent that Lampy is serious. That he is serious there can be no doubt, although he says that, "The present issue is no more than the expression of a mood." His real attitude peeps through when he writes: "But let us decide before it is too late, the primary purpose of a university education."

When the merry Jester becomes serious one is inclined to quarrel with his conclusions. The Business School is not the man-eating lion it is depicted to be. The allocation of vocational training in business to this new graduate school is the very best thing that could have happened for the College. It is at last free to become truly liberal in its arts and teaching. Its old vocational burden is graciously removed.

But even in good things there is much that is ludicrous; and Lampy has neatly found them out. Because he is comical, therefore, because he is funny--irresistibly so, he will be instantly pardoned for his temporary lapse into seriousness.
