

With the report of Mr. Owen Wister comes the certainty that instructions in dramatic writing will not be abandoned. It would, indeed, be a misfortune if the departure of the Workshop's founder should cause an annihilation of courses and active interest in applied dramatics. Mr. Wister's report but emphasizes the university's commendable determination to repair what damage it can and to carry on its traditions of dramatic teaching.

It is hardly necessary to remark that an essential of the reorganized course will be an improvement in material equipment. An experimental theatre, whether a remodeled building or preferably a new auditorium, is Indispensable. The past has too bitterly demonstrated the futility of expecting sustained results with poverty stricken equipment. The genius-killing grind with inadequate tools must be eliminated outright.

The soul of a new Workshop must be round in the future professor of dramatic English. The choice is difficult. It must fall upon an authority versed in the actualities of dramatic production as much as in criticism and theory. Mr. Eaton, suggested for the post, is certainly fitted. Yet the decision is one which demands the most careful consideration, for upon the new leader will fall the difficult task of making Harvard's prestige in the field of dramatic instruction independent of the personal reputation of one man.


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